Thursday, May 2, 2013

cosa faccio?

I've been traveling non-stop for the past month and a half, but now that I'm back in Bologna it's time to update! 
story of my life these past 5 months: constant traveling, 
climbing mountains, and good food. no complaints here :) 

After being offered an internship position with the Human Rights Association in Ankara, Turkey, I gladly accepted and began to plan my summer. Unfortunately, however, I overlooked the risks I would be potentially facing while interning with this NGO--risks of extreme violence from nationalist groups and individuals who are not scared of showing their disdain for the HRA. While I would love to work with them, I value my life much more than the wonderful experience a summer in Turkey would give me, and so after speaking with various individuals regarding the minimal yet very real risks I would potentially be facing, I've decided to not intern with the HRA. Am I happy? No, but I understand that it's the best decision.

With the end of the program quickly approaching in just over a month, I don't know what I'll be doing. I know two things: I need to teach myself ancient Greek (and I have a book from which I'll be studying) and I do not want to go back to the US until August. I'm not too interested in traveling Europe, so I think I'll be spending most of my time finding something to do in ITALY (of course), ISRAEL, TURKEY, and EGYPT. Wwoofing is a legitimate possibility, but backpacking is another (expensive) alternative. We'll see! Until then, I'm going to just enjoy Italy and wing the summer until my money runs out.

the beautiful piazza in Bologna decked out for labor day

In other news, Italy is wonderful. I think I've finally reached the point where I can carry on a conversation with ease and feel comfortable talking to most native speakers. I haven't been to class in quite some time, but as I say to everyone, class is very, very, very easy here. Exams are in the coming weeks, and while I know I should be studying and stressing over them, I'm not. This may or may not end well... :) 

I've spent mostly every weekend away from Bologna and I'm beginning to regret this. This has been my home for the past 5 months, yet I haven't really taken the time to explore it and know it as well as I probably should have. I've enjoyed traveling all over Italy, but again, I should probably be spending my last weeks here...but with trips planned to Sicily, Tuscany and the Alps, that's not happening. Oops. 

I miss the efficiency of the US, but I've come to appreciate Italy, from the very relaxed and slow rhythm of life to the daily pausa where people go home to eat, nap, and drink coffee. It's a gorgeous country with beautiful people, amazing cities, and a charming language (Yes, Robert, you can speak with just your hands here).